How to Activate Your Growth Leadership Flywheel

8 Ways Produgie Helps HR Drive Sustained Business Performance & Growth without Burnout

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Join Produgie's Founder & CEO, Dr. Alison Eyring, as she shows you how Produgie helps to create a growth leadership flywheel faster, more easily, and cost-effectively. 


You'll take away fresh insights and practical actions on how to...

Build a flywheel with growth leadership at the core

Manage risks when selecting

Develop from day 1

Deploy adaptive development plans

Alleviate manager pain

Scale team effectiveness

Assess inclusively for future-readiness

Exploit data & AI to amplify HR impact 

Meet the Expert

Panel 2

Alison Eyring, PhD

Dr. Alison Eyring is the Founder & CEO of Produgie and Board Chair of Organisation Solutions. Alison is a Fellow of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists and Adjunct Professor at the NUS Business School for over 15 years. She is the Author of the award-winning book, Pacing for Growth.

Produgie, 2024