Growth Mindset, Empowerment and Developing Others 


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This session continues Produgie’s masterclass series on Leadership Imperatives for Business Performance and Growth. You’ll discover how to leverage Produgie technology to activate and amplify a growth mindset and development practices in individuals, teams, and your organizational culture to achieve key business outcomes. 



You'll take away fresh insights and practical actions on how to...


Understand the science of growth mindset, empowerment, and development practices and how this impacts outcomes including psychological safety and revenue growth

Learn how to scale growth mindset and development strategies with Produgie features and functionality

Learn about the Build Team Growth Mindset certification sprint and how to activate

Discuss development practices with peers and experts on how to get started and overcome obstacles

Meet the Expert

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James Eyring, PhD

Dr. James Eyring is CEO of Organisation Solutions and Lead Science Advisor for Produgie. James has over 30 years of experience assessing, coaching, and developing executives and their teams. With a PhD in Industrial / Organizational Psychology, James is actively involved in research on leadership, growth capabilities, and potential. He has taught Undergraduate and Graduate level courses and published in academic and practitioner publications. Most recently he authored book chapters on Strategic Workforce Planning and Innovations in Assessment in SIOP’s Professional Practice Series.

Did you miss the first Masterclass in our Leadership Imperatives for Business Performance and Growth series? Check out these resources:

Produgie, 2024